Local Date/Time:
Sunday, 02-Feb-2025 14:06:09 EST
E-Mail: razor
ICQ: 15919218
Guestbook: Sign | View
Location: Calgary, Canada
Chat Info Last Updated:
Tuesday, 11-Dec-2001 03:12:41 EST
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Questions covered:
What is IRC?
How can I get onto #ReCharge?
What do I do with mIRC?
Guardian never speaks.
Commands & Advanced
Notes to take into consideration
What is IRC?
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. You can use a program, such as mIRC to connect to multiple servers. Using an actual client program as opposed to a Java client can allow you do much more not only in terms of customizing colors/effects, but also scripting an timing things. With these programs you will have to ability to keep track of users and send/recieve files.
How can I get onto #ReCharge?
You can either use the Java client at the left column, or download an IRC Client:
Windows All platforms
mIRC (recommended)
Guardian never speaks.
As compared to other "regular" users, Guardian is a channel bot, not human, not a person. He just sits there to do his job, which is moderating the channel keeping the filth out.
Commands & Advanced
Use the "/" key as default for issuing commands such as /join
Basic Commands
/nick (name) -changes nickname
/join (#chan) -joins a channel
/list -lists all channels
/me (text) -Emotion text EX: *Razor laughs out loud
/ping (name) -check time it takes to send and receive a msg from a user.
Operator Commands
/msg serv@superchat.org login #recharge (password) - login to #ReCharge
/msg serv@superchat.org pass (password) #recharge - set a password for #ReCharge
/kick (name) -kick someone
/ban (name) - ban someone
Notes to take into consideration
"@" Symbol denotes Operator status, ability to do most things including kick, ban, set topic, use bot, voice and more.
Symbol resides infront of a user's name.
"+" Symbol denotes Voice status, ability to talk while channel is in moderated mode, kick, voice.
Symbol resides infront of a user's name.
Unlike what some other mofos might be telling you, Please DO beg for operator status, I enjoy hearing the futile attempts of snots trying to push me.
The 88th card in the first release of ReCharge is missing.
ReCharge is a CCG (Collectable Card Game) made by Marvel Comics.
©Marvel Interactive
Boost Forums (Message Board) is an online community for ReCharge players and collectors.
Marvel ReCharge
twinz inc. RC
OP Island
Virtual Paradise
800x600 res
256 colors
IE v3.0
1024x768 res
True Color
IE v5.5